Saturday 5 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: week 2, day 4, activity 3 - 2019

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassandra,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team. I'm looking at the photo you chose in which a man is taking a selfie from somewhere very high off the ground. Whew!! I can't imagine being in that situation. I would not be taking a selfie - I think my hand would be shaking far too much for that!!!!!

    Do you think he's atop a building? It rather looks to me as though he's popped up out of some sort of chimney or smoke stack. Of course, the chimney would be on the top of a building, wouldn't it?

    I have a fear of heights, like you. I didn't used to feel that way - I used to climb trees and have no problem going right to the top. But now I find that my legs turn to jelly once I get to tree top height, so no more climbing fire towers for me!

    I hope you're having some fun adventures this summer, even if they're not taking you high up in the sky. And I hope you'll keep working at these SLJ activities - you're doing a great job!!




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