Saturday 5 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: week 2, day 5, activity 1 - 2019

Wasting Away

Yes, I think it's fair for the people who fish in the 'out of bound' areas
to pay a $100 000 fine. People who fish there should already know 
that it is not allowed. In my opinion, I think that we should just leave 
fish where they are living their lives. It's okay to take fish, but people 
take them to much. I hope over fishing stops, because it really isn't 
a great thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassandra,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from my home in wintry Canada. Is it hard to imagine someone being in the middle of winter while you're enjoying your summer holiday?

    You've indicated that you're against overfishing and that you think it's fair that people who fish in overfished areas be fined. I agree with you. It's a shame that we have to do that, that we have to punish people who don't recognize the need to be careful with our environment. It would be easier if everyone worked together to minimize our human impact on food stocks such as fish, wouldn't it?

    The good news is that most people do want to live carefully and thoughtfully. It's just a few who are more concerned about making money than about looking after our planet.

    Do you like to fish? My family has a campsite by a lake where we spend a lot of time each summer. We love to swim and canoe, but we're not fishermen/women. We'd rather eat peanut butter sandwiches...

    I hope you're having some fun this summer, getting lots of time outside as well as enjoying these SLJ activities. I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog!




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