Thursday 24 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey Week 4, Day 5, Activity 3/Final Activity: Concluding the Journey - 2019

Thank you to everyone who works for the Summer Learning Journey programme. I had a lot of fun well working over the Summer holidays. 

Have a safe and happy holiday!


  1. Talofa Lava Cassandra,

    You did it! You made it to the very final activity of the Summer Learning Journey. What an absolutely incredible accomplishment, Cassandra. I am so proud of you for putting in so much time and energy into every single post you have completed. I hope you are proud of yourself for reaching to the end. I know how hard it is to get to the end when you have so many friends and family to see in the summer. Nevertheless, you did it! Congratulations!

    It looks like you have learnt a lot over the 6 weeks, and I loved reading about all the ideas you presented about helping the planet. I think you have identified a great first step to helping reduce pollution. We could all benefit from thinking about the amount of times we use our cars. It is so easy to jump in to nip to the store down the road. Next time, we could just walk. That will help reduce pollution but also be a great form of exercise. Is there a trip that you make regularly where you could either drive or walk instead?

    Once again, I am extremely excited to see that you have finished the Summer Learning Journey. I have been waiting for your last post to come through. You have done a great job with every post you have created. I cannot wait to come to May Road School in a few weeks with all the prizes. Well done, Cassandra!

    Tōfā soifua,
    Megan :)

    1. Malō Soifua Megan,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog full of activities and tasks. YAY, I have finished my tasks for the Summer Learning Journey and I certainly did enjoy. I have learnt so much about our planet and natural environment, which is a great thing.

      Thanks again, and hopefully this year goes well for you.

      Manuia Le Aso,


  2. Hi Cassandra

    My name is Allie and I am the Cluster Manager for the Summer Learning Journey in Toki Pounamu which is on the West Coast of the South Island.

    Congratulations on completing the Summer Learning Journey for this summer. You have done a fantastic job finishing all of the 60 activities. I can see that Megan is so proud of all the work that you have put into your posts. What a great achievement Cassandra. Well done for all of you hard work!

    I hope that you have enjoyed the experience of the programme and that you take all that you have learnt to teach others about caring and protecting the environment.

    I want to wish you well for the new school year and hope that you enjoy all that you do. I am sure that Megan will be thrilled to see you in person when she returns to your school with certificates and prizes.

    Have a great rest of the holidays and awesome new school year.


    Allie :)

    1. Malo Allie,

      Wow, you are the Cluster Manager for the Summer Learning Journey in Toki Pounamu? How interesting.

      Thanks a lot for leaving a polite comment for me to read. I am very happy that I made it all the way here. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't get encouraging comment though.

      I am very excited to see what happens this year as I am now a Year 6. I wish you a wonderful 2019!


  3. Hi Cassandra,

    I'm Leslie and I've been commenting on your blog from far away Canada. It's really delightful to be able to congratulate you on completing all of the activities in this Summer Learning Journey program. WOW!!!!! Well done, you!!!

    I'm sorry that having the activities to do sometimes caused you some concern. It's like that with any responsibility we have, isn't it? We want to do something worthwhile but it requires our time and energy and intention.

    I hope you felt that all of this was worth the time and effort you put in. I certainly do. You've accomplished something special.

    I hope your start to the new school year will be totally fun and that you'll find all of your best friends are in your class - always helpful!!

    Again, congratulations Cassandra. You've done extremely well!!!



    1. Talofa Leslie,

      I have been getting plenty of comments from you well participating in the Summer Learning Journey which I appreciate. It seemed like you were really encouraging me - Thank you!

      Yes, I feel like all of this was worth the time. I enjoyed doing all of these activities and they didn't bore me at all.

      I'm sure this year will be amazing and I'll have lots of fun. How about you? How do you think your years gonna go? I hope you enjoy 2019.



  4. Talofa lava Cassandra,

    My name is Hazel, and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey team. Congratulations on completing all of the activities in this year's programme; that must have taken a lot of time and effort - ka pai! Which of the activities was your favourite?

    I can tell that you've learned a lot about our environment and the world around us, and it's great to see that you've come up with some of your own ideas about how we can help to reduce pollution.

    Remember, you can gain an extra 2 points for every quality comment that you post on the SLJ posts of other participating students before midnight tonight. Check out our Twitter feed if you need help finding the blogs of other participants:

    Congratulations again on all of your hard mahi. I hope you enjoyed your summer holidays, and are looking forward to going back to school, ready to learn.

    Hazel :)

  5. Kia Ora Hazel,

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment. If I had to be honest, I am very proud of myself that I made it all the way to the end of the Summer Learning Journey programme! I loved all of the activities you guys worked to create but the most liked one by me was Week 4, Day 3, Activity 3.

    Thanks very much,


  6. Kia Ora Cassandra,
    Well done for completing the Summer Learning Journey! It has been a long but fun trip learning over the holidays, hasn't it?

    I know that it is surprising on just how much you can do and how much you can learn over the holidays, because I was surprised I even got to the middle. Well done for trying to encourage your family to stop using cars because they do cause a lot extra drama, alongside pollution. Make sure to try and protect the environment!

    What is your favourite activity from the Summer Learning Journey?

    Happy Blogging
    Gargee HPS
    (Work fast, at 12 midnight the SLJ ends!)

  7. Kia Ora Cassandra,

    Congratulations on completing the Summer Learning Journey programme for 2018-2019. It is a huge accomplishment and I can see that you have received many positive comments, including one from my mom (Leslie)! Leslie is currently living in Canada but she volunteered to work with our team this year because she wanted to learn more about the environment in New Zealand and to support our awesome SLJ participants.

    Speaking of the SLJ (Summer Learning Journey), you have done a fabulous job with your activities this year. It has been such a pleasure to read your work and to see that you have remain motivated and committed to your learning over summer. It isn't easy to finish the SLJ but you did it and you should be very proud. I know that Megan and Cia are very proud of you :)

    Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. I hope to see you when we have our prizegiving for the SLJ at May Road School early in Term 1.

    Warmest regards,
    Rachel :)

  8. Talofa Rachel,

    Thanks a lot! I wouldn't really have done it without all the positive encouraging comments. Your mum Leslie seems very kind and so do you. It's great that she decided to help you and your team out. I liked the activities and I'm sure they took a lot of time to create.

    It took me awhile to get all the way here but I enjoyed the long journey and I'm happy the Summer Learning Journey programme exists. Oh yeah, and by the way, Cia is my aunty.

    Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to participate in the SMJ from 2018-2019. Hopefully you have a fantastic new year.



    1. Talofa Cassandra,

      I had the chance to talk to my mom today and I passed along your kind words. Thank you! I had heard through the grapevine that Cia was your aunty - lucky you! I will look forward to seeing you both at May Road School early in February.

      Wishing you all the very best for the rest of your holiday. Do you have any special plans?

      See you soon!

      Rachel :)


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