Saturday 5 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: week 2, day 4, activity 2 - 2019

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassandra,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Oooooh, your names are very yucky for this unusual, green pond. I think you were trying for yucky names, weren't you? I suspect the tourism people in Rotorua were hoping for names that would encourage visitors to come more than the name "Devil's Bath", which might frighten some people away.

    I must say, though, that your suggestions are probably very much like the impression the pond gives as it's quite stinky, according to the description. I think your choice of 'a thousand dirty socks' is super!! Can't you picture a pile of socks, all unwashed? I hope you never have to deal with that in your family!!

    Have you ever had a chance to visit Rotorua? I visited the area with my family a few years ago because, although I live in Canada, we have friends living in Auckland. We all drove down to the city and my daughters were particularly surprised by and unhappy with the smell that hung over it. It smelled like rotten eggs in Rotorua - not pleasant. However, that's because of the very things that people find so helpful - the hot mud pools. They're emitting hydrogen sulphide so, while they help people feel better, they have the downside of being rather smelly. There are pros and cons to everything in life, aren't there?!

    I hope you're having a completely happy summer holiday and I hope you'll keep working on these SLJ activities!!




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