Sunday 13 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: Week 4, Day 2, Activity 2 - 2019


  1. Kia Ora Cassandra,
    I love how your list is very healthy and thoughtful. I definitely would want to go to your garden because I love grapes and watermelon. I wrote stuff like chilli because I love spicy things, especially when they're extra spicy. Next time you could tell me which activity you're doing, because I am a little confused which activity this is.

    Happy blogging


  2. Kia Ora Cassandra,
    I love how your list is very healthy and thoughtful. I definitely would want to go to your garden because I love grapes and watermelon. I wrote stuff like chilli because I love spicy things, especially when they're extra spicy. Next time you could tell me which activity you're doing, because I am a little confused which activity this is. I am very sorry that there are 2 comments, the above on is m home account!

    Happy blogging

  3. Talofa Lava Gargee,

    I really do thank you for writing me a mindful comment. I like hot spicy things just like you do, but I decided not to put it in. I will surf through your blog, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it. This activity is activity 2. It says it right at the top,


  4. Hi Cassandra,

    I'm Leslie and I'm a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from my home in Canada. Isn't it amazing that I can live on the opposite side of the planet and yet still participate in this program? It's wonderful!!

    I'm so glad that you chosen to participate in the Summer Learning Journey program this year! I hope you're enjoying the activities. You're certainly working steadily at them - good for you!

    You have a great list of fruits and veggies that you'd choose to grow in a garden. Do you or your family have a garden? or perhaps there's one at your school?

    In Canada we've started to build raised gardens in our school yards so that students can learn about gardening, about soil types and about how much water each plant needs etc. It's a great learning experience.

    I have gardens around my home but they're full of perennial flowers, not veggies or fruit. My husband and I hope to build a veggie garden next summer - we'll see whether or not we manage to do it!!

    I hope that you're having a wonderful summer time and that you'll keep working on these activities.

    I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog!



  5. Hi Cassandra,
    I live on the west coast of new Zealand and I am doing to summer learning journey as well I have finished all the tasks. I like how you added 2 photos to your post. They are 10 very yummy foods but because I live on the west coast it is very rainy here and so it is hard to grow those foods.can you grow them where you live? Maybe Next time you could write what your task was at the top of your post.come have a look at my blog:
    Keep it up
    From Jess

  6. Hello Cassadra,
    I am Vitaraag. I think you have put so much effort into this blog post. I think that because you even added pictures. If that garden was really real then I would love to see it. What do you think you garden layout would be like? Maybe next time you can say why you listed the fruits so some people who don't know about the summer learning journey can understand why you did that. Do you want to really plant a garden? Keep up the phenomenal work!



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