Thursday 3 January 2019

Cassandra's summer learning journey: Week 2, day 1, activity 1 - 2019


  1. Hi my name is Emacyn from owairaka school I'am also doing the summer learning are very good at writing and very funny,i also likedogs i have one as well.hey gess what i also have one
    blog you later

  2. Hi Cassandra,

    Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team reading your blog from far away Canada.

    What a treat to see a photo of your special friend, Bruce!! He looks adorable. I can understand that you say he's also naughty sometimes. Most dogs are! They have different ideas about how they want to spend their time than we do! Our dog, Spirit, is also black with white patches. And she won't go anywhere near a swimming pool or lake either. Spirit and Bruce have some things in common!

    But our dog doesn't bark when people come to the door as much as she races up to jump on them, to welcome them. We've tried and tried to train her not to do that and we've made some progress but, usually, she's just so excited that it's hard to stop her!
    Fortunately our friends and family are patient people!!

    Playing with Bruce is a great way to spend time in the summer, I'd say. He probably finds it sad when you return to school and are gone all day. I know that our pup really dislikes being left home alone when we go out! She waits by the door or window until she sees us return.

    I hope you're doing lots of your favourite summer activities this year, as well as enjoying the Summer Learning Journey. Keep up your super work!




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