Thursday 3 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey - 2019

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cassandra,

    Awesome work on completing two more amazing posts. You have put so much thought and imagination into both of your posts.

    I really like your letter to Milika about your trip to the Thundra. You have been really descriptive and thought about what you would see, how cold you would feel, and whether you would like to visit again. Well done. How amazing would it be to come across an arctic fox. Did you know that arctic foxes live between 3-4 years, according to Wikipedia. That is not long at all is it? I cannot believe that the Thundra can reach temperatures as low as -28 degrees Celsius. I used to live in a town called Taupo that would reach around -3 degrees Celsius and I thought that was cold enough. I think you will be wearing many layers when you visit this part of the world.

    In regards, to the 'Going, going, gone' activity, it sounds like you have a great supportive network full of friends, whanau, and teachers. I lived learning about your animals. Cia tells me that Bruce is a beautiful staffy. I also have a staffy, who I mentioned in my last comment, called Bozlee. He is very spoilt but so loving. I think a beautiful thing about New Zealand is that we have so many areas where we can run our dogs. I love taking Bozlee to Totara Park in Manurewa where there is a dog walking area. Where do you take Brice? What is it about New Zealand that you think other people would like to hear about? What is something unique that New Zealand has that other countries don't have?

    I am really looking forward to reading your reply.

    Kindest regards,
    Megan :)


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