Thursday 3 January 2019

Cassandra's summer learning journey: Week 2, day 1, activity 2 - 2019


  1. KIA ORA
    my name is Emacyn I'am also doing the summer learning journey
    i looks like your best friend is a very good friend to encorage you like that.
    you are doing very good at thispoint of the summer learning journey.
    blog you later

    1. Talofa Lava,

      Thank you very much Emacyn for giving me such kind feedback.
      I've had a look at your blog, and it was absolutely great!
      Keep working on your Summer Learning Journey blog posts.
      Thanks again for coming onto my blog,


  2. Hi Cassandra,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team. What a great team you would have behind you if you chose to go into the Taupo Cycle Challenge. Wow!!

    I love your descriptions of your friend, your cousin and your aunt. They sound like really lovely people and great supports for you. Lucky you! I suspect they would say the same things about you, that you're a great friend, a great cousin and niece.

    It's very special to have special people in our lives, isn't it? I really appreciate my friends and family. I live in a small town where it's easy to get to know a lot of people. My family and I moved here after living in a big city for a long time so we weren't sure how we would be received when we first arrived. The townspeople in Almonte were extremely kind and friendly and allowed us to feel right at home from the very start. We're very lucky to live in such a wonderful place!

    I think that Auckland is pretty wonderful too! Do you enjoy biking around your neighbourhood, speaking of a cycle challenge? Or do you prefer to walk, or skateboard around?

    I hope you're having lots of fun, however you're spending your outside time this summer. And I hope you'll keep working on these Summer Learning Journey activities!




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