Sunday 20 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: Week 4, Day 3, Activity 1 - 2019

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassandra,

    It' Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from my home in Canada.

    You've done a super job of describing the video and explaining why you liked it. Good for you! Isn't it a shame that the stoats and possums and other invasive species were brought to New Zealand, in the first place? A long time ago people didn't understand that bringing plants and animals from one country to another can cause huge problems. So they brought things with them from their old country, wanting to feel more at home in their new country and wanting to solve 'problems'. Unfortunately they created new problems, didn't they?

    We have invasive species that we consider pests here in Canada. There's a plant that grows in our ditches, beside the roads, that is poisonous and causes people's skin to break into terrible rashes. It came into Canada from Asia originally, and it's become a huge problem for us. So, everyone around the world is struggling with how to deal with plants and animals that aren't naturally found in our countries...

    Have you ever seen a rat, stoat or possum? The poor things don't realize they're a pest - they're just doing what comes naturally to them!

    Well, I'd better keep on reading your blog because I see that you've posted more activities. Good for you! I'll look for the next one now.

    I hope you're having fun outside during these holidays, as well as having fun with the Summer Learning Journey program!




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