Monday 21 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: Week 4, Day 4, Activity 1 - 2019


  1. Hi Cassandra,

    Oops... I don't think you understood the nature of this activity... You're being asked to look at the Forest & Bird New Zealand site that is linked to the Week 4 Day 4 Activity 1 page on our website. Then you're to choose one of the campaigns that this organization has launched on behalf of a bird or an animal, or the land itself. and then come up with a slogan for that campaign.

    In order to earn points for this activity, Cassandra, please re-read the activity description and try again.

    Sorry - your pepsi/coke ad must have taken a good effort on your part. It just isn't tied to the theme of the SLJ program.

    I'll check back to see how you're doing with try #2!



  2. Talofa Leslie,

    Ooops, you are right. Next time I will listen properly! Thank you for correcting me, I will fix it up.

    Hehe sorry,



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