Monday 7 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: Week 2, Day 5, Activity 2 and 3 - 2019

1 comment:

  1. Malo e lelei Cassandra,

    It’s great to hear that you are passionate about helping to save the Great Barrier Reef. It is very sad to read how global warming is negatively affecting the whole reef. Fundraising events are a great way to make money to support the cause. Have you got some ideas on what kind of events or things you could sell to fundraise money for them? I would look at making reusable bags with slogans or facts about the Great Barrier Reef. By selling people bags, I would raise money as well as reduce the amount of plastic bags people use. Would you be able to add three fundraising ideas to your post or in the comments?

    This is another post that makes me sad with the state of our environment. I grew up swimming in the river that runs through my family farm. I was lucky that the river was clean but there are so many rivers in New Zealand that are polluted and it is negatively affecting everyone especially the wildlife that live in them! Well done for locating three polluted rivers in New Zealand and for posting photos of them. Although I think the photo you have for the Wairua river is actually a photo of the Tarawera River in the Bay of Plenty. Were you able to find out if anything is being done to clean up these rivers? I know that most of the polluted rivers here in New Zealand have action plans to help clean them up. Once you have researched that information would you be able to add it your blog post or you can comment it below :)

    I really want to award you with the full points for both activities but I can’t do that until you have edited your posts to include the information I have asked for.Once you have edited both of the activities, comment below and I will come and check it out :)

    I look forward to reading what you have come up with!

    Blog ya later,



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