Thursday 10 January 2019

Cassandra's Summer Learning Journey: Week 3, Day 4, Activity 2 - 2019


  1. Hi Cassandra,

    It's Leslie here from the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from my home in Canada.

    I'm afraid that you haven't put this story in your own words, Cassandra. I think you've found this description on a website somewhere and, if that's the case, you have to say where you got it from. Otherwise you're doing something called 'plagiarism', which means that you're sharing someone else's work as if it's your own.

    Please try this activity again, telling the story in your own way, or else we can't give you any points for it....

    Have you ever been out at night to see the 7 stars of Matariki, called the 7 Sisters?
    I suspect they're very beautiful! Because I live in the northern hemisphere, in Canada, my night sky has different constellations in it than yours. My favourite constellation is the Big Dipper - I look for it each night when I'm taking our dog, Spirit, out for her last walk. Spirit is a great reason to be out at night!!

    I hope you're having a nice summer day.

    Again, I hope you'll try this activity again, telling the story using your own words.



  2. Hello Leslie,

    Yes, I know what plagiarism is and I certainly wouldn't do it. It does look like I have copied and pasted, but I just got ideas off of the net and switched up the words, although I didn't create a summary. I will go back and edit this.



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