Sunday 30 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Weird and Wonderful - week 1, day 2, activity 3, 2018


I tried my best to solve the math question, and this is the answer I worked out: 1095. 
This is how I got that answer: So, since there are 365 days in a whole 
year, I got the 3, then I got the 365 and did 3 x 365. 
That equals, 1095.
Related image

1 comment:

  1. Malo Cassandra,

    I really like the way you have explained your maths equation, good job! You're absolutely right, the cactus would need 1095 mls of water in a year to survive. It really isn't very much, is it? I did a bit of research myself, and due to the African desert often having one downpour of rain every few weeks, a cactus soaks up the water and stores it until the next downpour. This means it can feed itself the 3ml of water every day. What an intelligent plant that is.

    Have you got any cacti at home? I have one at home and I just bought one for my sister but somehow I manage to stab myself every time I handle the plant. This has put me off buying anymore but I do love the style of the plant and the flowers that some produce.

    Maybe on your next post you could introduce the question that you are answer so it gives your visitors some information before reading your post.

    Keep doing what you are doing Cassandra, you are doing a great job.

    Kindest regardsm
    Megan :)


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